Kamis, 26 Maret 2009


The individualism is a concept explain that life of importance individual, and individual need more importance and for need and community importance. Individualism can says in a sentences "I life for myself, determine values in life my self, determine that true and false". That is culture of American. The unique individu values and positive should present and grow of us personality as a openedindividu, have a perception, have a knowledge, and variey appreciated.

For explain the individualism values in social group very suspended at combination of when, connected in what, location, situation, experience unstibility indivisualis categorical face in global change. A community that consist of individu various will produce individualis combination, calectivis in two demantional that different in reaction, personality, and community characteristic. Orientation individuliasm value consist of three dimention, that is achievement, self-direction, self fulfilment, and independence. Individualis values indicated compatilibity Tha life value of smoe body.

The people of America, English, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Netherlands learn individualistics character. They group from individual as colective human. Live in value that more advanced individual as individualism human. the human and indivisualis value ussual live with family, that is parents and sons 0or daugther. With see all fact of individualism America value, so is true, that American believe the individual is more important than the group. THey believe people should take care of them selves, solve theirown problems and "stend on their own two feed".

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